Having to manage an organization could be one of the most taxing tasks. There are different operations to govern and monitoring all of it at any given point of time is extremely difficult. You would really not be able to focus on any of them unless you have an integrated management system that helps you do this. Having such a system would mean being able to monitor all your organizations processes under one framework. A certification of this kind would help you recognize the organization as one single function and work under a single process to meet a unified objective.
At 115co, we understand the need of an integrated management system today. It would mean being able to monitor minute details that would not be possible otherwise. Planning a system to achieve a specific goal is very important in any business. When you have such a certification, you would have a clear view of the operating conditions of the organization and how it has to function. Since you have control over the IMS, you would be able to control the overall efficiency of the organization too. This would mean better profitability and improved returns on investment.
To achieve such a certification, 115co assesses you current setup and advises changes to the existing plans. There would be a need to include differed processes and procedures, even documentation of different operations would be required since your goal is to improve the overall efficiency of the system. This will save you valuable time and money. Once these changes have been implemented, we assess the IMS and proceed towards a certification.
This certification is valid for a period of three years after which an audit on the IMS has to be conducted again. Having an integrated management system certification is a must if you are looking at taking your organization to the next level of efficiency.
Having to manage an organization could be one of the most taxing tasks. There are different operations to govern and monitoring all of it at any given point of time is extremely difficult. You would really not be able to focus on any of them unless you have an integrated management system that helps you do this. Having such standards would mean being able to monitor all your organizations processes under one framework. At 115co, we understand the need of an integrated management system today.
What is IMS Certification?
It is a quality system that improves the process and service quality in your company and thus leads to increased efficiency within the system. How is this achieved? Quite simply, it is achieved purely with reduction in wastages and by better usage of resources and streamlining the current practices in the company.
Benefits of IMS Certification
Since you have control over the IMS, you would be able to control the overall efficiency of the organization too. This would mean better profitability and improved returns on investment. There would be a need to include differed processes and procedures, even documentation of different operations would be required since your goal is to improve the overall efficiency of the system. This will save you valuable time and money. The certification of these standards is valid for a period of three years after which an audit on the IMS has to be conducted again.